Monday, November 30, 2015

Thirty things I'm thankful for in my 30's.

I made a list of all the things I'm thankful for in my 30's.
Thank you Father God for the amazing 30 years of my life.

 What are you thankful this year?

  • 1. Good health.- Even if you’re health isn’t great, it could be worse and you likely still have some working parts to be thankful for.Without it I’d be incapable of everything that I’ve worked for and the goals that I continue to strive towards.
  • 2. Love. - Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life. -Leo Buscaglia
  • 3. Employment.- Even if you don’t like your job, being employed means someone thought you were special enough to hire.
  • 4. Knowledge.- Each year gets better and better. With age comes wisdom and looking back on my 30 years (so far) I’d say I’ve come a long way and learned a lot about this world we live. I can’t wait to see what lessons my future holds. 
  • 5. Triumph. – We’ve all had challenges we’ve overcome. I call these my triumphs.
  • 6.My Mind.-Being able to think, remember, and solve problems sure makes life easier.
  • 7.Unconditional love.- This is different for me than just love. This is something only felt by your siblings, parents, family members and closest friends but remember – it is a 2-way street. To give and receive is the best gift of all.
  • 8.Independence.- As women, we should all be thankful for this. We’ve had opportunities in education, travel, careers that even our mothers didn’t have. Doesn’t that make you say wow! 
  • 9.Courage.- As we get older, we end up having to do a lot on our own or that we don’t want to do at all, but you suck it up and do it for a multiplicity of reasons.
  • 10. My Parents.- I am very, very blessed to have 1 set of parents that has known me since birth and continues to love me and a new set of parents who will know me in a different phase of my life and love me in new ways.
  • 11.Beauty.- is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside and out.
  • 12. My Intuition .- This goes a little further past knowledge, but sometimes you just know, trust your gut. :)
  • 13. My Childhood Memories . - I had the best childhood a kid could ask for, this is a huge reason why I am the way I am. Thanks to my family and friends!
  • 14.Good people.- Believe it or not, there are some pretty darn good people in this world! Believe ½ of what you see and nothing that you hear.
  • 15.My Hobbies and interests. –These keep me well-rounded, passionate, and able to have adult conversations. (music,books,nature, travels etc..)
  • 16.Celebrations!- Who doesn’t love a good party or another reason to show love and support – birthdays, holidays, weddings, babys, anniversaries and hanging out with my closest friends…all positive.!!!
  • 17.My smartphone and other technology that allow me to communicate with family and friends who are not geographically close to me.
  • 18.Sense of humor.- because laughter is the best medicine. Laugh a lot!! :) :) :) 
  • 19. The Ability to forgive. - It is a gift to be able to admit when you are wrong, and to also forgive when you are not wrong.
  • 20.The little things in life.- because they slow you down and make you smile.
  • 21.Each day.-  is a new day that takes new strength, new motivation, and a fresh start. Live each day.
  • 22.Opportunities. - We make choices that impact our lives, opportunities are created and presented to us based on our unique qualities.
  • 23. Waking up Today. -Simply waking up today means you have things to be thankful for.
  • 24. Time. -Although we often don’t think there’s enough of it, time is something we shouldn’t take for granted.
  • 25.A Bed to Sleep.-  I used to pull late nights and early mornings and now that I am older I realize that a good night’s sleep does the body good!
  • 26.Second chances.  – You can say that you live your life with no regrets, but come on, we all make mistakes.
  • 27.Good music.- I associate music with most memories in my life. Music takes me to whole new place. It's the language of the soul!
  • 28.My Daughter the joy of my life,nieces and nephews.  – their youthful, innocence makes every problem in the world disappear.
  • 29.Positive affirmations, “my happy place”, and self-motivation.-  These help take me from those bad days, stressful situations, and random not in a good mood moments.
  • 30. Having a Partner. -Being in a romantic relationship can teach you so much about the world and yourself.
  • 31. My Faith in God. - I saved the best for last. "Walk by faith and not by sight."

Yes!!! Actually there are 31 things – Just making sure you were paying attention!Happy thirty one amazing, fruitful and blessed year to myself! 
To God be the glory!

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